Wednesday, May 19, 2010

AnGeL spoTTed... :)

I jumped to the sound of a police siren, well it was the ringtone I had set for my mom’s number, by the tym I could answer, it had disconnected again. She had already called four times. It was the routine since the last ten days, the early morning call [ around 11 am] was to remind me that something called breakfast exists. These calls had begun to make me realize that home alone experiences are not entirely fun.

And after having assured mom that I had a healthy breakfast, I discovered that I was terribly hungry, well I myself was 2 be blamed, after all nestle cant be sued for maggi not being palatable enough for dinner. Bread and butter was my staple food for the past few days, so here I was on my way to fetch my morning manna(Wibs) when it was almost noon.

Though the shop was just two blocks away, the blazing sun and my lifeless trail was making me feel like I had just run a marathon. However lifeless you are somethings never miss your attention, like species of the opposite sex. There was one at the store too. My eyes fell on the most beautiful lady I had ever come across, she caught my gaze, the world around me suddenly freezed, I was on my way to heaven to inquire if one of the angels was missing, but two words “ kya chahiye” by the storekeeper axed down the beanstalk I was climbing upon.

Then I heard her for the first time,”THANK YOU!!” Never in my life had the words thank you sounded this beautiful. After paying for what I bought, I found myself doing something that I had never done before, I said “THANK YOU”. This brought a blushing smile on her face and that divine moment was captured in my heart instinctively. While the shopkeeper popped his eyes out as if I paid him in Zimbabwean dollars.

Back at home, even while working on my project I became conscious of her not fading away from my thoughts. Later in the day with friends at my place and booze down our throats I could see her gorgeous smile replayed again and again. But my sentiments did not win any votes with my friends one of whom was a lady killer and the other who had a break up recently, according to them I was already high, maybe I was , but it wasn't the drink. Oh God , have I lost it?? I had a couple of pegs more than my usual quota hoping to drown her thoughts, but she somehow seemed to be an expert swimmer and refused to wash out……